Tuesday, February 18, 2014


困在頭髮之中,封閉迴路,煩擾與哀愁源始之後轉向無以名狀,便都歸究於封閉之中。我終於只能發問,像最初與最終。你說,Who were you?你說,因為足夠喜歡。你說,心中的火焰讓你尖叫。我卻無語起來。躺在床上想起舊日的好事們,沒有面貌卻仍有觸感。不假外求就是發問,不斷發問。我喜歡聽但有時過於沉迷,便忘了發問的人是我啊。When you talk about this and that, it's you.

Good Morning. In a cold morning, standing alone with the heart beat of machines. I found comfort. There are moments you can only be in that way, though you seem to be flexible enough, admit it.



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